Monday, July 25, 2011

I told you it was a sad house.

Remember how I said that we have all of this dog stuff, but no dog? Well, its true. Look at how sad all of it looks with no needlenose running around. P.S. Those are my husband's toes!


Hey, its me, Violet. I found out I had a blog, so I thought that I should post to it. I guess I'm going to be in a new home. I'm glad, because I need a family. I used to live in Florida and there were so many dogs. I wonder if there will be any dogs where I'm going? I heard from someone that there might be a cat! I've seen one of those fluffy things once or twice -- they seem scary!

As you can see, my spelling skills are impeccable. I am one smart puppy!

Well, its time to go night-night.

"Violet, you're turning violet, Violet!"

Ah, well, it should be said that this is my first foray into writing a dog blog. DOG BLOG!

My husband and I are adopting a 2 year old Retired Racing Greyhound from REGAP in Mendota, IL ( I miss her terribly and we're not going to be able to pick her up until August 9th! BUH. "But its a talllking dooogggg!!!" OK, she's not really a talking dog, but she is really cute and sweet.

On Friday we're leaving on vacation, so at least we'll be in Minnesota doing whatever it is I'm supposed to be doing in Minnesota.

I HAVE begun to crochet a sweater for Violet... and let me tell you, its been fun. I found a very simple pattern for a greyhound sweater on Etsy and I've been hammering it out. It looks pretty awesome. There will be a hood involved. THAT IS ALL I AM SAYING.

So here I am, surrounded by dog crates, dog beds, dog bowls, dog toys... no dog. This is the most sad house in the world.